Saturday, 24 November 2012

Model Ms.Belinda Teo the latest victim of online pranksters

Internet without the code of conduct... one can wonder how safe & accurate information are being circulated online to protect Singapore citizens from the likes of cyber terrorists out to victimize people on cyberspace? Not long ago, two websites apologized to Dr Ng Eng Hen for defamatory article about him, and now there is another latest one on local model Ms. Belinda Teo. She has made a police report (shown far below)

Two websites apologize to Dr Ng Eng Hen:-
1) Heng Cheong Leong -
2) The Real Singapore -

More article from Singapolitics - 

However The Real Singapore is now challenging Dr Ng's lawyer, Mr Davinder Singh to sue the internet since their first apology wasn't accepted. It was indeed an insincere apology as many of you can tell. See [here]

TRS: **Latest Update** We will not be issuing a 2nd apology to Dr Ng Eng Hen despite being threatened repeatedly by his lawyer Mr Davinder Singh who is also the CEO of Drew and Napier.

The Real Singapore who is known for their 'Lies, Cheat & Steal' has a history of victimizing people, one example is shown here:-

You guys decide how credible is The Real Singapore? Is this the 'Voice of Singaporeans' you want to subscribe to their Bull-Shit?

Now on Ms. Belinda Teo. It seems some pranksters has taken her photos off somewhere and published on social escort sites. Hardware Zone Forum obtained them and generated discussions. Next the socio-political site like Temasek Review as usual behaves like their 'regular news customer' went to obtain them and publish on their facebook without verifying whether the source is authentic. You can imagine how many such 'news' and 'information' from Temasek Review is credible? Even when somebody comes forward to clarify, they do not take them down nor apologize.

Below published with permission from Ms. Belinda Teo:-

I am Belinda Teo and I affirm my particulars to be true and correct.

Sometime eariler this week, a friend told me that my photos were displayed in a Social Escort website

I was very distress abt it. In that same website, i saw some other girls photo too. i think some of them are in my FB friends list too. There is a hp number provided there 989822
I tried calling many times but seems that the number is not in used. I got no idea where or how to ask them to remove my photos.

Later the same day, Hardwarezone forum picked up on the site and started commenting. Many said very sacarastic remarks abt me. And also about my recent apperance in a Mediacorp CH8 TV program. This is the Link.

And then it went viral. And many websites/forum started to talk abt me. And suddenly, another website "Face Entertainment" also uploaded my photos. And without even blurring the face and all.
This is Face Entertainment address

Another website also claimed that i am 29yrs old and i have kids. This is the site.

Even Temasek Review also posted. This is the site

I am NOT working as a Social Escort and have never worked as one. I believe all the photos are taken off my Facebook account, I have not given any permission to any site to use my photos. My Photographer Roy Chuang holds the copyright of the photos.
He did not give any permission to use the photos on those escort sites at all.

I am very upset, insulted and hurt.
This is Slander!!!

"Broadcast statements
3. For the purpose of the law of libel and slander, the broadcasting of words by means of telecommunication shall be treated as publication in a permanent form.

Slander of women
4. Words spoken and published which impute unchastity or adultery to any woman or girl shall not require special damage to render them actionable.

Slander affecting official, professional or business reputation
5. In an action for slander in respect of words calculated to disparage the plaintiff in any office, profession, calling, trade or business held or carried on by him at the time of the publication, it shall not be necessary to allege or prove special damage whether or not the words are spoken of the plaintiff in the way of his office, profession, calling, trade or business.;page=0;query=CompId%3A75f4a1fe-ebe7-4426-b223-5a371b9957f5;rec=0#pr5-he-"

And some of the worst were from some people commenting in the Hardwarezone Forum. Here they are.

1) One member username (SEASLUGFLY) commented that he ever paid for my sexual services last week. He commented that i even have "BIG Knockers"... I am a proud A cup busts. Attached are the Screensave of the post.

2) Another member(Ejaculator) commented that i am a slut whore and should be left in a construction site for workers to cum and pee on. and "Morale of story? Want do such open leg shady business this stupid slut whore should have learnt to STFU Shut The Fark Up and keep a low profile at most is on the street ex-customers who farked her can recognize her thats all. Now all the evidences are out and the whole singapore knows she is nothing but a prostitute."

3) Another member (SAF Regular) commented "What a cheap whore. Cheesepie kena screwed how many times alr"

4) A guy (Alan Koh) in Facebook, went around to Facebook Ch8 page & Wan bao page to flood news of the escorts thingy. After that when my good friend/photographer Roy Chuang commented that his is a fake account with only 3 friends, he changed his profile photo and name as RoyChuang. And started to comment lots of stuffs and even PM models using Roy's name.
A police report was lodge on that. Report number E/20121122/91. This is his Facebook address

All these u believe consitude to this offence. I am vert offended by what they say.

Sec 509 Cap 224. Word or gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman
Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.

HardwareZone is a local magazine, supposed to be doing reviews abt the latest products. However, in recent years, HWZ forums have became a Gossip forum, against many models, and also on sexual talks. I do not know why HWZ allows this trend to continue. This is Cyber bullying.

I hope the Authorities would step in, to oversee forums such as HWZ, Temasek Review etc.

These keyboard warriors, hide behind fake names and avatars, and slander females such as myself. There have been many victims. They cant just based on a unverified reports or cos of photos appearing in a certain websites and start to condamn and hurt. To the extend its already outrage of my molesty.
I believe that all these ppl, can be tracked using their IP address.

I lodge this report for Police action and legal actions.

A copy of this report will be forwarded to THE PRIME MINISTER OFFICE.


Saturday, 15 September 2012

On Sociology and Reflection

On Sociology & Reflection.

❝ Tensions in the Middle East after the release of a video which suggested intolerable blasphemy and offence to the Muslim faith and its community continued to rattle restless minds and hearts around the world as pictures of violences flashed across the media.

The responses from the Arab world, together with countries of firm democratic system beliefs, were strong condemnation of the productions and retaliations and call for a halt to violence without much success as protests and promises of more violences rippled across.

As the world witnessed the emotional turmoil and acts of defiance, it is also important and paramount for us to reflect upon the very stability our country has to offer, where we built our foundations base on social harmony - the close integration of race, language or religion.

Regardless of the many wild suggestions exploited by theorists that this was a calculated consequence motivated by either economic or military agenda, I feel, I think, and I ask, should we not take a closer consideration and share what Humanity ought to be, reassuring the cooperation and commitment for progress instead of magnifying the situation which fuelled constant reminders of the reasons for war?

For Humanity to fall with the reasons of Faith is not worth the cause and seems to have defeated the very purpose of religious directions to begin with from my weak understanding of religious views and its role in our century and centuries to come.

Was it (really) 'religion' or the rights to 'faith' people are defending or a window of opportunity by virtue of the religious offer that MAY have deluded and inspired us to stand up for a 'cause' we should perhaps reconsider, its grave implications it will have for the very society we are living in? The value is unfortunately depressing.

I feel, I think and I ask, is it not rightful to pursue those who started the butterfly flaps, innocently or deliberately, who created the storm instead of taking out on those who were mere subjects like anyone else, in a world game of chess where the attributes of fear and love are put to the strictest of tests in a world already full on her plates with everyday living?

This unfortunate event in the Middle East should serve as a reflection for us living under the embrace of social stability to better understand the impacts and implications of how the abuse of knowledge and media platforms can cause tears and wounds that never should have been needed.

While we hope for stability and sanity to return & prevail in the Middle East, there are much more work we can and should do to ensure our own societies are not a subject of abuse of any sort. ❞

"When knowledge is put into good use, it could be a blessing, but when knowledge is abused, it is a tragic wrong in the making" 

by - Fivefootway Singapore

Related articles for reference:-
TODAY: Man jailed for inciting violence online, after prosecution's appeal  - By Amir Hussain 

CNA SG: Freedom of expression no unfettered rights to insult another's religion or race: DPM Teo  

Monday, 10 September 2012

Xenophobic Guy Caught on Facebook

A reader send in this picture to Little Fish this evening. He caught this xenophobic Singaporean posting this caption, "Got this 70kg, 1.60m near my house, I think is the PRC-breed. SPCA accept?' with a YouTube video showing dogs.

This xenophobic Singaporean is referring to a PRC person as a 'dog', it is unknown if the PRC person is a male or female. 

By Little Fish, Owner of Facebook,
Speak Up Against Xenophobia in Singapore

Little Fish Pays Tribute to Mr. Wong Teng.

I would like to pay tribute to Mr. Wong Teng for reporting The Talking Rubbish's crap on my wall at 'Speak Up Against Xenophobia in Singapore' this morning. He posted the report (image below) on my wall. I went to take a look at it much later. It seems situation has turned slightly better? Most of the commentators are slamming 'The Talking Rubbish's' post photo with caption, 'Pinoy Pride invading the heartlands?

Wong Teng is an opposition supporter who subscribes to 'The Talking Rubbish' a long time ago. When he first came to my page, we had a brief debate where we can't see eye to eye with one another. But as time passes, we can come to agree a bit of here and there. He agrees that sites like 'The Talking Rubbish' is crap. Other than some political news that are of interest to him, most of the posts from 'The Talking Rubbish' site are fond of stirring hate speech & anti-foreigners sentiments. 

If readers are not careful and with frequent hate speech against foreigners ranting daily, one can develop... you know, I know. It is all in the 'mind', you won't know if you turn into one. But others can see the symptoms and behaviors being shown very clearly. They won't admit they are one but actions speaks itself...

I thank Mr. Wong Teng for sharing this on my wall. You may see the images below. 


With the above comments that I have read in [here], I can hereby announce my affirmation that Singaporeans are not xenophobic. It is the owners of The Temasek Review, The Temasek Times, The Real Singapore and Temasek Review (without 'The'). These are the T-League clones that the readers should seriously consider to unsubscribe away from xenophobic virus.

For alternative medias, you may wish to subscribe to TheOnlineCitizen or publichouse 

Most importantly their Facebook pages focus on alternative politics posts & not trash sites like T-League clones. Spot the difference between Opposition-led and Xenophobic-led sites. When you are often engaged in online hate speech & anti-foreigners bashing, you are losing your core focus on the bigger picture: The National Politics

T-League clones definitely knows how the internet works. They can push you away and can draw you back by getting your eye balls hooked to their 'sex scandal' news. You unsubscribe today, the next day they 'hook' you with their 'sex scandal' news, 'come back... come back fans...' then you subscribe to them again. Unsubscribe when you are sure that your decision stays firm. It certainly takes balls of steel...

Lastly, do be sure to double confirm their sources and make sure the news they are providing are not lies, stolen from somewhere or cooked up. Noticed most of their articles lacking of source links. (My two cents)  

Thursday, 6 September 2012

My Open Letter to Mr. Ng Yi Xun

Dear Ng Yi Xun,

I hope you can spare a couple of minutes to read my interview with Vince, an Employment Pass holder from Philippines who was disturbed by one of your remarks on one of the The Temasek Review’s post. Let’s hope you can give it a serious thought & a positive reply. I can see that you are a student with Nanyang Technological University so you can see that ‘The Temasek Review’ is certainly a hate site and it is not a site you can subscribe to it. Below is the story which the T-league clones do not want you to read.     

I got to know Vince online recently when he messaged me on my Facebook page to share with me his views where he felt disturbed by the negativity online vitriol against foreigners. He also cited an example of a young boy, raising concern how the youths are involved. (You may see the image far at the bottom)

We all know that there are some websites that specialize in berating certain foreigners, so I am sure you know which are the sites I am talking about.

Below is what I spoke with Vince and he shared with me more about himself.

Vince is 36 years old. He first came to Singapore 4 years ago from Philippines to work here. He is currently under Employment Pass. He knows two languages, both English and Tagalog. 

(Editor Note: I should say his English language is very fluent from the way I communicate with him, definitely much better than mine, agreed?)

He works as an IT Data Security Team Leader with a chemical company branch in Singapore. It is global company, based in the UK. He is the only Filipino employed by the company in Singapore. Besides the local Singaporeans, there are other foreigners including, Indian nationals, Malaysians, Indonesians, Americans and Britons etc.

He leads a global team that provides Network Security for the company. He works on weekdays but he is on call 24/7. Should the company require his services, he would have to dash down right way even if it is in the middle of night when he is sleeping.

He has been with the company for more than 2 years by now and he enjoys his work, he also hopes that his company will extend his services for as long as possible because his company provides a very good working environment & friendly employee camaraderie workplace, where he could not ask for more.

This is what he is very proud of. All his colleagues are very pleasant and kind. Bullying or xenophobia does not exist in his place of work. He has made many friends not just to the people in his department but also other units.

Before he came to Singapore in October 2008, he worked at the Gambling Controlling body of the Philippines for 9 Years as an IT Supervisor. His skills, knowledge along with 9 years of experience became a sought after for employers not only in Singapore but overseas as well.

He spoke to me in all honesty that the Salary difference is his main reason for leaving his country to venture his services overseas. He choose to come to Singapore because it is just a few hours away from Philippines and he can quickly go back in event that he needs to go home urgently.

(Editor note: He has family commitment & responsibility but I feel it isn’t appropriate for him to share more, too private & I respect that).

Apart from the Salary difference, the culture here is not very far from what the Filipinos have, closer family ties, love and taking care of the family specially our aging parents, it is quite similar. According to him, safety is also another factor; it is common knowledge that his country is not the safest place.

He is already married & they have 2 children, 1 boy and 1 girl. They currently live in Jurong East area. They choose this area because it is very peaceful and quiet, most conveniently very near to their place of work.

The cost of living in Singapore is high which is expected from a developed country. He also mentioned that the housing cost is very expensive & they do not own their transport vehicle, instead they take public trains and buses to get around in Singapore. He thinks the public transport rates in Singapore are quite okay, it is not very expensive compared to other developed countries.

The same goes for hawker centers & restaurants. For food cuisines in Singapore, it is not much different because they also have international cuisines in the Philippines. He particularly likes the Nasi Lemak & the Cereal Prawns here. 

(Editor note: I don’t like eating cereal prawns =P)

Recently, he got used to eating Indian food because of his wife who loves to eat Briyani and Roti-Prata with curry. 

(Editor’s note: hey Vince, glad you are now used to the Indian food, Briyani and Roti-Prata are popular with the local Singaporeans here)

There's an assortment of food here and he thinks it is also one of the reasons why he never had a problem adjusting in Singapore.

When asked about Singapore citizens and how he finds us besides his own friends or those whom he met on streets, whether we are nice folks or rude people, he replied that when he first came here, he had the impression that Singaporeans specially the older folks are rude or snobbish because of the way they talk.

“When they don't understand you it's like they are raising their voice to ask, ‘Huh!?" but later he come to realized that it's really a normal reaction here so he got used to it. Up to now, he has not met anyone in person who is rude to him at all.

He has worked with Citibank, Bank of America and honestly, he finds it more enjoyable working with his Singaporean colleagues, most of them are still in touch with him either through Facebook/ E-mail/ SMS etc.

With the multi-races here in Singapore, he couldn't really tell who's a native Singaporean or who's not. Some strangers are nice and warm while some are not. But to him, it's basically the same everywhere outside of Singapore too.

(Editor’s note: Hey Vince again, it is actually easy to tell who’s a Singaporean if you hear any of us using Singlish language
tongueYou can ask your Singaporean friend to teach you some, it is pretty fun)

When I asked Vince about the people he come across online in Singapore cyberspace & how he finds them, he replied that it was until recently that he started reading some forums online that he got disturbed and he asked himself, what is happening? Why are there so much hate messages? 

There are anonymous people saying bad things to other races. It is very sad.
What drove these people to hate others so much? He feels that it is very worrying especially when he came across some youths, one example of a young boy who used vulgarity & xenophobic sentiments. (Readers, please refer to the image far at bottom)

“I have not been verbally abused or attacked on the streets, thank God!”

He & his wife seldom go out of their house other than going to work or shopping for their necessarities. Singapore city is still very safe, he added.

I asked Vince about the recent National Day Rally 2012 speech by our Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He replied that he has not seen it on TV but he did read some excerpt on the newspaper and On-line. His opinion on the Prime Minister is that he’s a very compassionate person. The PM genuinely wants the best for Singapore and the Singaporeans.

The PM continues the path and visions of what his father and his predecessors have started. Vince admire how he (PM Lee) reach out to his people, he (PM Lee) is just like his father (Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, former PM of Singapore). He (PM Lee) may not have the amount of charisma his father (Mr. Lee Kuan Yew) possesses but I think because he (PM Lee) is still young.

(Editor’s note: I also asked Vince for his views on integration between Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans below)

“With the current situation and in my personal view, I do not think that integration would help at this time. The Singaporeans are unhappy because of the influx of foreigners; it will make them unhappy if you try to mix the 2.

First step is to instill to both sides that they need each other and that they could co-exist, how that can be done is beyond me but it could be the first step.

As for integration, perhaps activities that would interest the 2 would be a good idea. Me for example, I have a few Singaporean friends who I came to know because of my love for Photography. Some things that we can share in common.

The perceptions of Singaporeans now towards foreigners are that they are here to steal their jobs, drive the prices of everything up. In some cases, their claims are true.

On that aspect I have no idea. The only idea that I have is to appeal to their hearts. But how? They also should learn to be aware of the sacrifices these foreigners have to make.

Singaporeans value family, these foreigners leave their family in search for ways to give them a better life. My wife and I have 2 kids in the Philippines; we only get to be with them 3 weeks in each year. Each time we say goodbye everyone is crying. After we come back from being with them for weeks we are adjusting and it is painful.

We have a family that we need to support, brothers and sisters that we need to send to school. We have aging parents to take care of, pay their medical bills. All these are the factors that are being considered that’s why we choose to go away.

For our families. Are they able to leave their loved ones to give them a better life? I think not.

Probably when they are made aware of this hardships foreigners are going thru, then they will understand. Humans are by nature good. Appeal to their hearts then they will surely understand.” – Vince

(Editor’s note: We have Singaporeans who also goes overseas to work & will naturally experience the similar situation and same feeling especially when it comes to our families.)

His vision & dream for his family here in Singapore for the future:-

“I am really hoping that the situation gets better. I dream of bringing my kids here so that we could all be together as a family. At the moment I am not yet a PR, despite being here for 4 Years, I haven't applied because I don't want to stain my record that I have been rejected. I don't want to risk applying until the situation gets better. But I am hoping for the best.” – Vince

(Editor’s note: I spoke with Vince and I can tell that Vince loves Singapore and this is his dream. We all have dreams, don’t we?)

The last part below is the additional information which Vince shares about his country of birth:-

“I am not much into Politics but I've read my history, the history of my country and that of some other countries. Singaporean Government despite what some people are saying is probably the most effective form of Government. I only wish we have this same form of Government in the Philippines, maybe I don't need to work abroad and away from my family.

Our country was once led by a dictator, during those times our rights were suppressed. It was also during those times that we were one of the richest countries in Asia. Then came democracy, too much of it.. And we are paying the price.

Singapore is being led by compassionate and responsible leaders who so far have led the country to the top; Singaporeans enjoy democracy but not like the democracy that the Filipinos enjoy now.

To Little Fish,

Thank you for taking my views into consideration.
You are doing a noble job of putting up this wonderful page.


Below is the image which I mentioned twice above.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The ‘National’ Conversation becomes an online Controversy indeed

Photo credit: EDMW loves Singapore

On National Conversation (Singapore) in short is NCS (Unofficial)
It is a citizens-led initiative to engage citizens on their Facebook page

On Our SG Conversation, in short is OSC (Official)
It is a government-led initiative to engage citizens on their Facebook page.

Both Facebook pages serve the same objectives. It has became a hot controversy this morning online when people found out that the NCS page which has started sometime ago appears to be an unofficial page while the OSC page is an official one.

Now the burning questions:

Which page will we (netizens) all follow more actively? NCS or OSC?

Points to consider:-

1)       When a citizen has a feedback, who do he/ she goes to? NCS or OSC?
2)       Let’s presume a citizen gives his feedback to NCS, will his message gets delivered?
3)       When a minister delivers his message, it naturally goes to OSC. Will OSC deliver the message to NCS directly?
4)       Let’s presume OSC decides to deliver the minister’s message to NCS, will NCS deliver the message to citizens?
5)       In process of message delivery, will the message be lost? Messages twisted or buried six feet under the carpet?
6)       What will become even more confusing is; the mode of online engagement & communication. Which one is true and false? Will these really be in line with the government objectives?
7)       Important national information being circulated, which one do you think will be more accurate? NCS or OSC?
8)       Is there another hidden agenda that will appear from NCS at much later date?
9)       Will you end up experiencing another ‘wayang’ or (transferring) from NCS page to OSC page to ministers? Wouldn’t it be more logical to go to the official OSC one?
10)   Do observe further from the screen shots below.


Now the next screenshots below. Moderators of NCS page claims that they are civil servants? True or False? If that's true, they are 'certainly operating' in line with government objectives by creating online confusion! It doesn't make sense at all. Certainly singing different tune...

Above Image Source from [here] by Judas Ong as seen below

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

My Interview with a Singapore PR, Mr Troy Parry.

Today I bring you my brief interview with my Facebook friend, Mr. Troy Parry, an Australian who came to Singapore in January 2002. He is currently a Singapore PR, married to a Singaporean wife who gave birth to two lovely kids (both Singaporeans). They are living in a HDB flat in Tampines area where it is very quiet, far away from the shops and MRT.

He chooses to immigrate to Singapore back in 2002 because of our peaceful, safe and friendly living environment. He was also attracted to Singapore especially its lowest crime rate and tax as compared to Australia. He worked in an I.T field in Singapore for almost 10 years. He also got along very well with his boss & colleagues.

He mingles with people from all walks of life. People whom he met in person generally keep to themselves when they see him but they are friendly when he makes the first move to speak with them. What amazes him about some Singaporeans when he came across them on streets is that they seem to prefer to stand-by, watch/ film or take photos of a fight or accident than to help out. (Editor: we can pretty well guess they are probably STOMPers!)

For some Singaporeans whom he met online in cyberspace, most of them seem to be very critical of non-citizens, posting hurtful remarks and sometime racial comments on Facebook, forums and STOMP. But he rarely comes across verbal abuses or physical confrontation from locals or foreigners on the streets.

When asked for his opinion of Singapore internet, he replied that he is 100% for an online Code of Conduct to encourage civilise behaviour online. Currently people feel that their actions online don’t have consequences; therefore they can say anything and everything!

Troy Parry loves Singapore a lot. He thinks it’s going to get a lot more crowded than it already is. With the current over-crowding on public transport and in shopping centres, he only goes out when he really have to walk out of his house. He spends most of his free time at home. With the lack of employment laws in Singapore, there has been a lot of hiring of lower income earners from overseas, thus lowering the wages in Singapore. He is now currently unemployed, and the previous contract he had this year was lower than the wages he was earning 10 years ago when he first moved here. He is not getting shortlisted for the jobs that he is applying for locally, so he has been forced to apply for jobs back in Australia. He hopes to be employed here soon so he can stay in Singapore to be with his wife and 2 children.

When asked about his views on employment laws, he replied that he feels there is a need to implement minimum wages so the wages of people won’t be depressed by business owners & tighten the employment laws to control the influx. Singaporeans & PRs need to be in their first priority. Nobody likes to be squeezed out of their own country; we need to greatly reduce the number of non-residents, which currently stands at 1.4 million. Many people are forced to compete for jobs with workers from overseas.

If they're not willing to reduce their salaries, or work longer hours, they won't be able to have a job or keep one. Income gap widens as a result. Situations need to change in order for mindsets to change. There's too many people on this tiny island, unless that can change, mindsets will always be there. It makes people feel uncomfortable everywhere they go, so foreigners gets blamed for many reasons why everything happens.

On xenophobia: He mentioned that people need to direct their anger at the real cause of the problem, and try to get bad policies changed. Most of them don't know which people are responsible for these policies, or who to contact to share their views or solutions. Therefore they directed their anger to the wrong group of people.

If we do know, then xenophobia can be avoided, people could be pointed in the right direction. Venting their anger in groups like Temasek Review will get them nowhere, because that group is only serve to stir xenophobic tension within Singapore, and it is not gonna solve any problems for all of us.

As for those who stir up xenophobic sentiments purposely, the only thing we can do is try to rectify the situation with facts, logic and common sense. We must all stand together to set things right for a better Singapore. 


Dear readers, if you would like to Speak Up Against Xenophobia in Singapore to stop all the anti-foreigners nonsense that has been circulating on cyberspace, please visit & 'LIKE' my Facebook Page here:
