Now tell me whether we should be worrying about this or choose to turn a blind eye on this. This anti-Pinoy Facebook page surfaced 2 days ago and has generated 135 'Likes' so far. If you study the contents the owner of that Facebook page post on their page, you will find them familiar. Most of the details are taken from Temasek Review, The Temasek Times & The Temasek Review.
It is affirmative that the Facebook page owner is a reader of all these 3 xenophobic sites I mentioned above. That's not all, they are going to set up another Anti-PRC Facebook Page in due course.
(You may find other 3 screen shots below how some Singaporeans have slammed the page owner)
Recently, Yahoo has polled out of 19,763 people who voted, 80% agreed that Singaporeans are turning xenophobic while the other 20% felt otherwise. You may like to read more here>> Click here.
Some people whom are still in denial, tried to refute reports & claiming that is not xenophobic. They either hide behind political reasons to mask it up in order to justify their actions or they are unable to differentiate between right or wrong.
I have seen people taking out their mobiles and taking snapshots of innocent foreigners who are either sitting or standing anywhere in public places. They would then attempt to post them on stomp/ their own Facebook or the xenophobic sites where these pictures would then be sensationalized up to fuel more anger and hate. One example, see image below.
On 22 May 2012, Straits Times reported that Singapore attractions draw nearly 50 million visitors last year. That's an average of 4.2 million visitors each month. You may see report here> click here.
We may see foreign visitors in our neighborhood such as the gentlemen in the above image. They could also be contractor workers under employment pass to set up/ dismantle the rally stage at Hougang Stadium. Of course these are the possibilities. I hope Kenneth Jeyaretnam learn something here on my blog.
I have to sign off now. Bed time for me. A good TGIF to all of you.
Let's do the right thing together and we will continue to stop xenophobia!
- Little Fish.