Friday, 25 May 2012

A Singaporean Set Up Anti-Pinoy Facebook Page in Cyberspace.

Now tell me whether we should be worrying about this or choose to turn a blind eye on this. This anti-Pinoy Facebook page surfaced 2 days ago and has generated 135 'Likes' so far. If you study the contents the owner of that Facebook page post on their page, you will find them familiar. Most of the details are taken from Temasek Review, The Temasek Times & The Temasek Review.

It is affirmative that the Facebook page owner is a reader of all these 3 xenophobic sites I mentioned above. That's not all, they are going to set up another Anti-PRC Facebook Page in due course.

(You may find other 3 screen shots below how some Singaporeans have slammed the page owner)

Recently, Yahoo has polled out of 19,763 people who voted, 80% agreed that Singaporeans are turning xenophobic while the other 20% felt otherwise. You may like to read more here>> Click here.

Some people whom are still in denial, tried to refute reports & claiming that is not xenophobic. They either hide behind political reasons to mask it up in order to justify their actions or they are unable to differentiate between right or wrong.

I have seen people taking out their mobiles and taking snapshots of innocent foreigners who are either sitting or standing anywhere in public places. They would then attempt to post them on stomp/ their own Facebook or the xenophobic sites where these pictures would then be sensationalized up to fuel more anger and hate. One example, see image below.

On 22 May 2012, Straits Times reported that Singapore attractions draw nearly 50 million visitors last year. That's an average of 4.2 million visitors each month. You may see report here> click here.

We may see foreign visitors in our neighborhood such as the gentlemen in the above image. They could also be contractor workers under employment pass to set up/ dismantle the rally stage at Hougang Stadium. Of course these are the possibilities. I hope Kenneth Jeyaretnam learn something here on my blog.

I have to sign off now. Bed time for me. A good TGIF to all of you.

Let's do the right thing together and we will continue to stop xenophobia!

- Little Fish.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Let's end Xenophobia today. Boycott all Temasek Reviews!

Dear Singaporeans,

Little Fish is calling for a boycott on The Temasek Review, The Temasek Times and Temasek Review. An Opposition supporter by the name of Sgc Ommoner is currently leading the boycott charge. From what I see, he claims TTR/ TTT and TR are fakes. The original TR Facebook is called TR Emeritus. This clearly explains why these fake websites and Facebook pages have been propagandizing political lies, misinformation to public and worst of all, the source of xenophobia originated from there. I have been collecting evidences and pointing them out on my blog.

Please refer to my latest post here:  Anti-foreigner sentiments stirred up again on social media

Temasek Review started the problem at Hougang Stadium on 20 May by posting up a distasteful picture with captions of Pinoys and Indian nationals. One of the Pinay female reader saw it and scolded back. Then 'The Temasek Review' conveniently shifted the blame to WP supporters and accused them of starting the problem. After the diversion, they continued to stir up anti-foreigner sentiments among the public. I believe they have triggered the enraged public to perform a CSI or 'Witch-hunt' on a Pinay lady. The online lynch mobs are targeting her any minute now.

As a Singaporean, I am totally embarrassed by these behaviors online in cyberspace. If we don't stop these immediately, it may trigger more serious social problems in future. 

There is another group pushing for a boycott is called Every Day Party. You guys may check them out if you doubt me. I have attached the links above for your convenience.

Together we can end xenophobia. We can eliminate xenophobia together by terminating the source of its origins. Let's boycott it. Singaporeans are never xenophobic to begin with till these bad websites/ Facebook Pages appeared. They played with your minds, stirred up your emotions and incite hate towards others. You never know where they obtain their news, they could also have created a 'foreigner' account and tricked you to do an online witch hunt, bomb emails to the 'foreigner' employer and the ministries/ ministers causing unnecessary disturbances & inconveniences. Then the 'foreigner' mysteriously disappeared.  

Common sense: Why don't they conduct their own investigation instead of having the public to do that, right?

Why allow yourself to fall in their trap and be their victim? If you want a real ALTERNATIVE Media, I can recommend The Online Citizen, I can assure you that their Chief editor Kumaran Pillai & team moderates the website/ facebook page well. You may also like publichousesg by Andrew Loh & team or New Asia Republic ran by Donaldson Tan. You may even shift to TR Emeritus ran by KojakBT.

Please join in the boycott The Temasek Review, The Temasek Times and Temasek Review by 'Unlike' their pages and you may also like to report them as troublemakers to Facebook Inc for the Facebook Admins to close/ban their accounts. Below is how u can report them.

Let's do the right thing today!


Little Fish

Monday, 21 May 2012

Anti-foreigner sentiments stirred up again on social media

This evening I attended the By-Elections (BE) rally held by People's Action Party (PAP) at Hougang Stadium. During the speech, I looked into my Facebook on my mobile and caught "Temasek Review" posting a picture on their wall. Guess? See below.

Their picture caption as follows: "..... New Weapon of PAP Pinoys" The next image shows the anti-foreigner sentiments by their readers. You can see all the xenophobes appearing on the comments after they saw it and their emotions gets stirred up. It even has 47 'shares' & 58 comments counting...

Don't you find that disgusting? What wrong has the Pinoys done? The Temasek Review even rebutted one of their reader Jude Tan (shown above in Red Arrow) saying "Why are foreigners allowed to mettle in Singapore's domestic politics?"

The PAP's rally at Hougang Stadium is an open public place where people from all walks of life are able to come down to attend the event. Foreigners are welcome to attend the public rallies by the People's Action Party (PAP) and Worker's Party (WP) to catch their 'Live' action on the spot to learn more of Singapore politics. To foreigners who are either working or visiting in Singapore, it is a rare chance for them to catch the 'Live' election rallies held in Singapore. The General Elections (GE) is held every five years and the Presidential Elections (PE) is held every six years while the By-Elections (BE) is held only when a Member of Parliament leaves his/ her post vacant & the Prime Minister decides when and whether to call for a BE. 

The day before the PAP's rally, I was also present at Worker's Party (WP) rally at Hougang Central, an open field just next to Block 837, Hougang Central. Beside me is a local female Singaporean with her foreign Caucasian male friend. Overheard the lady explaining to her foreign friend on what the opposition party is dishing out on their speech to public about Singapore politics. Her foreign friend showed a keen interest & was heard asking her questions throughout. He was also very impressed with the huge crowd turnout at the rally.

I walked to the other side for my ciggie break & was standing beside some Chinese & Indian nationals there listening to the rally. Overheard one of the PRC guy mentioned to his friend that WP's Chen Show Mao is a Taiwanese by birth. It goes to show that foreigners knows about our Singapore Opposition members.

So what is the big deal about it, Temasek Review?

Updated 21 May, 2012, 8:15pm

And now the HELL BREAKS LOOSE...

The original culprit Temasek Review who started the problem yesterday and found it too much to handle from angry Singaporeans eventually decided to shift the blame to Worker's Party supporters instead.

"The rampant attacks on Filipinos by WP supporters who accused them of being ‘used’ as a political tool by the PAP to shore up its flagging support peeved off Ms Eulenia." - The Temasek Review

Source link:

-Little Fish.

Friday, 18 May 2012

ST Forum: Let's not take the xenophobic road - contributor Rachel writes her view

Contributor Rachel wrote in to Little Fish to offer her two cents worth regarding the Straits Times forum page (17 May 2012), where there is a letter here "Online Views: Let's Not Take The Xenophobic Road" in which the writer wrote that "foreign managers continue to discriminate against Singaporeans..."

Below is her letter contribution:

I have a friend who is a Singaporean and holds a degree in Zoology. This degree is not very popular and unless one is a big fan of animals, you will not take this course. Most holders will probably become a laboratory technologist or a teacher or go on to do higher degrees and do academic research. However, my friend now works for a well-known company that supply agricultural seeds - corn seeds to be exact.

We do not have agricultural industry in Singapore but there are a lot around us in Asia, this is why the company sets up a regional HQ in Singapore. Her boss is a Mexican who holds a PhD in agrobiology and prior to relocating to Singapore, he has a wealth of experience in managing agribusiness in Latin America.

Does he bring in Mexicans to work for him in Singapore? Rather, he hires people according to what his company requires. While my friend is technically competent to be a product manager - going around South East Asia to share with farmers new seeds and farming knowledge, she's not familiar with the regulatory policies on genetically modified foods and GM corn seeds are such. So working for her Mexican boss there are four more foreigners - Australian, Chinese, Indian and Korean - they are all in charge of writing dossiers to submit to the regulatory boards in each of the countries they come from.

I believe where possible, when a company sets up a subsidiary, the best way to cut costs is in fact to hire the local people. However, in this situation, specific knowledge is required such as familiarity with respective countries are desired. His boss probably did not discriminate against hiring locals but there are just no locals with the know-how.

Besides, with the company setting up base in Singapore, the other non-technical positions such as administration and finance are all locals or PRs. Therefore, before we jump into any conclusion that foreign bosses are discriminating against hiring Singaporeans, perhaps we should look the reasons behind the hiring decision.

By Rachel.

Editor note: Little Fish thanks Rachel for her letter contribution & encourages more to come forward to share their contributions. Please 'Share' this blog link & 'Like' my Facebook Page: Speak Up Against Xenophobia in Singapore

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Do We Have Anti-Foreigner Opposition Politicans?

A reader by the nickname of Pinky Loong alerted me yesterday about some opposition parties' politicians propagandizing anti-foreigners in the cyberspace. They joined several Facebook groups & post on their walls. One of the post is sample is seen below. Pinky is against the spread of xenophobia & he pointed out two names on my Facebook wall which prompt me to do some 'investigations' online thereafter to verify his claims.

Attached below is what I found on Prabu Ramachandran (member of Reform Party) & Gilbert Goh (former GE2011 Candidate for National Solidarity Party)

Prabu Ramachandran Found in Anti-Chinese Group  

The New Paper published about this group on 5 May, 2012. You can read their online story here

TNP photo image courtesy from Fabrications About The PAP. Click the link to find out how they have been tagged by netizen and they have notifications to find out themselves.

Up to date till now on 10 May 2012, some politicians are all still in the Anti-Chinese group. Some of them have already left the group while the others remain. When interviewed by TNP reporter as published on 5 May 2012, some of them mentioned that they has no idea they were added in the group while some mentioned that they don't know how to remove themselves away from the group. One of a commenter whom I saw mentioned that if they don't know this & don't know that, then how will they look after their residents in their wards if they win the General Elections one day?

Group photo showing Prabu Ramachandran in Reform Party attire
You can find it in Reform Party Facebook here

More on Gilbert Goh & what he did can be found below. Some bloggers have spoken up in their recent blog sites. You may click their links below to read.

1) Click here>> Anything & Whatever
2) Click here>> Singaporeans Say 

From Mr. Bryan Ti (布莱恩蒂)

"The internet is a very organic entity and it is very bottom-up. It is not something you can easily enforce like a set of rules and boundaries and hope that people keep to it. I don't think it is going to be very effective.

But that said, I do think that the growing negativity and negative energy online and all that xenophobia and all that, it's really dangerous for us as well." - Nicole Seah (佘雪玲) [1]

... I believe that NS is the first Opposition politician to have publicly recognized and spoken up against xenophobia in local cyberspace.

I suppose kudos are due.


YouTube Video below by Nicole Seah: 

So now you must be wondering what do 
RP's Kenneth Jeyaretnam & NSP's Hazel Koon Koon Poa 
has to say about their members behavior?

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Did the alternative media deliver the right message across to readers?

Something caught my eye when one of the alternative media reader by the name of Alvin Ting pointed out & commented about the misrepresentation. You may see the screenshot below.

Alvin Ting also mentioned that some netizens as usual just lap it up without bothering to cross-check what was actually said. You can see the 2nd screenshot above. *Note: xenophobes spotted!

I found it odd. Then I scanned the story but found no source link in The Temasek Times article. I wondered where they get the info from. I went to google online and found the articles below from (1) to (4)

(1) Speech By Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister For Finance & Minister For Manpower At Indian New Year Celebrations (Original Speech, MOF website, 13 April 2012)

(2) Ensure diversity is a benefit, says DPM (TODAY, 14 April 2012)

(3) DPM Tharman: Make special effort to integrate new immigrants (TR Emeritus, 14 April 2012)

(4) Tharman to Singaporeans: Make special effort to 'integrate' new immigrants from India (The Temasek Times, 14 April 2012)

Check out whether the alternative media deliver the right message to their readers?


Little Fish.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Forumer recount his experience with xenophobes on streets.

While surfing the net on forum, I came across a forumer by the nickname of  'Newspaper83' where he recount his experience with xenophobes on streets & wondered if it is getting worst. I took a screen shot of it and post it below to share. It is possible you may even come across such people on the streets.

In my last post, "Xenophobia isn't about politics, it is about OUR CONSCIENCE" where I highlighted below

“This isn't about politics people. This is about who we are. And there is no justifying the actions of those who slam the foreigners for all the little mistakes they make. Just with the comments made here, you have people trying to justify their actions, essentially saying "It's the government's fault that I'm doing this".

But no, I do not believe that is right. Blame the government all you wish, hate on them all you want, but do not use it to justify the hateful mindset against foreigners that do not deserve it."

(Little Fish Note: Read with pinch of salt. In forum, people can say anything.) 

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Xenophobia isn't about politics, it is OUR CONSCIENCE!

Today I read Choo Zheng Xi's article, 'Are People Afraid to Speak Up Against Xenophobia?' What he said inspired me to write on my blog tonight. Source link is here: Click Here

One of their commentator's words is truly awakening. Those with conscience will fully understand this below:

“This isn't about politics people. This is about who we are. And there is no justifying the actions of those who slam the foreigners for all the little mistakes they make. Just with the comments made here, you have people trying to justify their actions, essentially saying "It's the government's fault that I'm doing this".

But no, I do not believe that is right. Blame the government all you wish, hate on them all you want, but do not use it to justify the hateful mindset against foreigners that do not deserve it."

Now I recalled having read one or two articles from 'The Talking Rubbish' website (You know, I know). I have taken a screenshot below for your reference.

A Mr. Jack Russel, (Do he exists? Don't know) could have asked to speak with Singtel's Branch Manager on duty to make a complaint that their staffs who are at the counter is unable to communicate with him in English language. He could have made his stand clear to the branch manager that those who are in customer services are required to have English proficiency, both in written & spoken. In Singapore, having proficiency in English language is a must as we have other races who are not able to understand Chinese language at all.

Singtel's branch manager would then take note of the non-English speaking staffs and write in to Singtel's HR Dept to refer these PRC staffs for training courses. Their PRC staffs could enroll in English course to learn the language & upgrade themselves to serve customers better. All could be dissolved plain and simple.

Their PRC staffs did nothing wrong to Mr. Jack Russel. They just can't speak English. One can wonder why Mr. Jack Russel choose to write in to 'The Talking Rubbish' and his intention for doing this. As soon the article got posted on the Facebook, I found several 'xenophobes' there. Not surprising, 'The Talking Rubbish' is well known site for its anti-foreigner sentiments. The source of xenophobia is there. It is affirmative.

Now you may see the screen shot below.

Good night folks,

Little Fish.