Thursday, 26 July 2012

There is Always Two Sides to a Coin.

Somebody posted a video on YouTube, 'Chinese Woman and Elderly lady quarrel' and it went viral online. It showed a young lady and an elderly lady quarreling over priority seat in SBS. Somehow I noticed majority of the netizens online were quick to jump the gun on the young PRC lady. I watched the video and realized that it didn't show the part how the commotion was triggered. It cast some doubts when I read another side of the story in the comments section of the YouTube video.

You may see the video here:-


A reader Mr. Terence Tan alerted me on my FB page to 'The New Paper' published today, Page 12, on 26 July 2012. I went down to obtain my copy & took a snapshot of it. You may see the pics below.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Now gentlemen and ladies, you all know the story from TNP. It is obvious there are two sides of a coin as shown in the original video, (the pre-happening scenario that is clearly missing) yet only a few netizens who spotted it & spoke up. The comments coming from some netizens I came across online are very harsh & xenophobic sentiments were seen flying around.

The young lady was clearly provoked & she retaliated back after she lost control of her emotions.I am rather 'impressed' with a Mr David Tan, 34, a senior manager who could relate very clearly what took place in SBS service 235. Got time to record video enjoy the show. Got no time to intervene nor assist the SBS driver since he (David) knew mandarin & recognized that the younger lady was very 'aggressive'. Two middle-age ladies stood between the quarreling parties and restrained the younger woman. Come on, are you a MAN?

Latest update, 26 July 2012 @ 5.55pm: Reported from AsiaOne, click here>>


See last Picture 3 below.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Say No To Clones shares his feedback to Little Fish

Dear readers,

I came across this on my blog comment on 9th July and thought I would share this on my blog. Though this is not about xenophobia, this is worth reading to understand more about the 'Internet' on social media like Facebook where the writer has highlighted.

Thank you 'Say No To Clones' for sharing your comment below:

It is welcoming that our Government has taken steps to engage the population through the use of social media like Facebook, social websites and forum discussions to better close the link in modern times where the internet has become a reasonable force.

However, the population must also understand the very nature of social websites and its environment whether they are from mainstream media or otherwise. While netizens could play an important role as arm chair critics as more popularly known, discussion forums and social media platforms are relatively new to our national scene.

One concern which brought to my horrific attention lately was some circulation about how a small handful of "clones" or "multiples" forum users at a mainstream media discussion forum manipulating "public opinions" when this alleged family members (father, son and cousin) has been falsely and deliberately creating a "fake discussion forum community" to attempt to mislead the general public into thinking that the forum opinions of the posters are huge in numbers coming from the general public, but in actual fact was merely the many fake created accounts by the same person or two, in this case the family as alleged. To realise it happens with one of our mainstream media is even more appalling to say the least.

As one wonder back, such cyber activities could well be an abuse from such perpetrators who are out to seek out for their own agenda or otherwise. On the other hand, it will be unwise to fall into such manipulated hands for the consequences can be harsh and the social stability implications to any given society can prove fatal. Imagine if any cyber syndicates were to falsely create such cyber acts like the alleged perpetrators, given the understanding that even the common man in the street could achieve that stunt? Was it a lapse of cyber security or negligence in managing and monitoring?

When false information are presented, our policy holders whom innocently gather and harvest the "netizens'" views and opinions, are bound to build inaccurate policies base on partial contributions from netizens. The country cannot move forward when wrong decisions are made from the wrong info from a handful of fake community.

The relevant authorities should not only investigate, penalise heavily such perpetrators and its host for allowing misleading or unfounded truths to be laid out to innocent public who seeks information for decision making, the internet community should also be wary and be vigilant to read and decide for themselves after harvesting various opinions from various sources while we move forward as a nation in the coming decades.

This was posted on my blog 'comment' section by Say No To Clones on 9th July 2012, Monday.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Fabricated Articles from Alternative Media Without Censorship?

Dear readers,

Some time ago, I decided to stop writing on my blog to spend more time on my real life issues but some readers have asked me to continue writing my blog to keep up with my 'online battle' against xenophobic alternative media websites/ Facebook pages. So I am back to 'deal' with some 'online rascals' since the Online/Offline Facebook Page seems to be more of a 'Pussy', I mean 'little kitten'..... d(^_^)b

I may not be your neighborhood 'Marvel Heroes' who possesses mutant powers or spin webs like spiderman but 'Little Fish' can turn into a 'piranha' & bite. (of course, I am just kidding!)  

What I am going to show below is the recent articles I read about 'Internet Censorship' from Yahoo and a 'fabricated' article that is aimed to stir xenophobia against PRC which was alerted to me by Ms. Lara Tan (reader) & 'Fabrications About the PAP' (FB page).

It certainly does give some food for thoughts about the much talked 'Internet Censorship' and the online 'Code of Conduct'. I have previously blogged about the COC. Click here

To start off, you may like to read Yahoo's article first, click >> "Most Singaporeans Against Internet Censorship"

Next, see the photo below.

Originally From Singapore Hall Of Shame:

TheRealSingapore blog has been exposed of fabricating "story in an attempt to stir up racist hatred against foreigners."

See the next photo below: (Note the arrows in 'RED')

"TRS had posted photo of China flags and claimed that it hung across an open padang area at the Marina Bay Gardens By the Bay. TRS further claimed that hundreds of PRC nationals sung the China national anthem.

This story is untrue as in actuality the dated photo was taken from a China website and it was dated 4 Oct 2009!" Click here for faster access to original photo.

Little Fish Note: "Opposition politician Alex Tan Zhixiang is a contributor at TRS but it is unknown if he has greater role in the newly established alternative news media." - from Sharon.S

See the photo below on Alex Tan and click on the links to read more about his info

His information: click here to read.

A person of the same name "Alex Tan Zhi Xiang" is also allegedly the admin for the blog, TemasekRevealed, well known for fabricating news. It was closed down after police investigate the posting on "SAF serviceman's death" hoax. Related: Click Here

EDMW Love Singapore page make the same allegation recently. Related:
Click here

Below comments extracted from Fabrications About the PAP: 

1. "Under Singapore law, the transmission of false messages is an offence under Section 45 of the Telecommunications Act.

If the act is done with intent to create cause fear and alarm, or to incite offences against a class or community of persons, it may also be an offence under Section 505 of the Penal Code. Offenders may be punished with imprisonment for up to 3 years, fined or both."
~ Ryan Ang

2. "This is why the anti foreigner a sentiments are getting from bad to worst. This kind of pple are not making lives any better for Singapore and Singaporeans. This could be deem as intentional attempt to incite unrest among the population. Freedom of speech doesn't not imply u can speak or fabricate what u want without actual proof. Play your part to be a responsible netizen else be punish and accept responsibility for your own bad behavior." ~ Yong Quan


Latest: SG known Blogger, Alex Au is on headlines again.

*Photo by Bryan Ti
This isn't the first time he got into trouble. Back in 14 February 2012, he received a letter from law firm Allen & Gledhill, acting for K Shanmugam. It said that the allegations regarding their client mentioned within a comment he posted following the post The media and Yaw Shin Leong, are false and scurrilous. To refresh your memory, please click here to view.

11 July 2012, Wednesday
'I apologise for committing that act of contempt of court, and have taken down the offending post. I will not in future put up any post to the same or similar effect.' - Alex Au, Yawning Bread.

To view the latest entire article, please click here.

Temasek Review Emeritus's Editor, Mr Richard Wan also received a letter from both Mr. Lee Hsien Yang & PM Lee Hsien Loong on 20 February 2012. I have published 4 links below for your reference. Please click them below.
1) PM Lee sends lawyer's letter to editor of TR Emeritus (20 Feb 2012)
2) Letter of Apology to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (21 Feb 2012)
3) Lee Hsien Yang sends lawyer's letter to TR Emeritus (23 Feb 2012)
4) TR Emeritus removes defamatory comment on Mr Lee Hsien Yang (23 Feb 2012)

*Links contributed by 'Fabrications About the PAP'.

Little Fish Note: So what does the above tells you? So what do you think? Democracy & Freedom of Speech does not mean IRRESPONSIBLE SPEECH! Singapore currently do not have 'Internet Censorship' nor 'Code of Conduct' online, yet some people are already publishing MISLEADING & MISINFORMATION to the public, not forgetting 'The Talking Rubbish' and its clones. 

Readers, please be more alert when you subscribe to some spin-offs/ clones claiming 'Alternative Media News'. They are not helping Singaporeans to understand SG politics, just trying play on to your mind & to stir up your emotions to hate foreigners & direct your VOTES to inferior opposition party or opportunists in GE2016 who are not even qualified to be your constituency MPs. Now you know who these people are...

Monday, 9 July 2012

Reader disgusted by The Temasek Review's 'Caption Please'

Shared by Ms. Lara Tan
From a friend of hers: Logging in my face book this morning I felt disgusted to see this from TR. Felt even more disgusted reading the many comments for captions.

I wanted to comment but thought why... I will most definitely be slam.

Then this morning, some University students came by my house to collect old newspaper to sell to raise funds for the elderly. (Some of U may know I am wheel chair bound). I am alone at home as my family is out, so I invited the students in to my house to take the newspaper.

All I see is some very nice people ( quite a few Chinese nationals ) giving up their Sunday morning to help people. They were very polite and I wish my kids can learn to be like them, to give up their time and energy to help others

Come on, what did this family do to deserve the comments from the public? Does it matters where they are from. They chose to make Singapore their home. Give then a chance! They did no wrong. 
To find out more, please click here to view the link
Thanks for sharing Ms. Lara Tan. 
Little Fish 

Monday, 2 July 2012

Exposing the owner of 'Anti-Foreigner' Facebook Page.

Somebody has brought this to my attention a few hours ago alerting me of an another 'anti-foreigner' Facebook page. This Facebook page, 'SAY NO to Foreign Trash!!! (FTs)' is own by Prabu Ramachandran, a member of Reform Party. I have previously blogged about him in May 2012, to find out more about him, please click here.

Sources has also confirmed that Prabu Ramachandran also own another Facebook Page, "Pinoy PMETs - Not welcomed in Singapore" but this page has since been taken off from Facebook up to date. I have previously blogged about this Facebook page in May 2012 as well. Please click here to view.

Close friends of Prabu Ramachandran may like to advise him to close down his Facebook page for his own good.

The identities of my source are accurate, anonymous and protected. I will provide them only to the authorities. Should Prabu Ramachandran claims or denies that the 'Anti-Foreigner' Facebook Page is not own by him, perhaps he may like to see where we can proceed from here.

Lastly, I don't find the screenshot below amusing...

From one of Singapore's known blogger:
"Even if we feel there are too many foreigners in Singapore, it really isn’t the foreigners’ fault. It’s the policy-makers’ fault. There is no basis for taking it out on those who didn’t design the policy. If you feel crowded on the train, if you feel hot competition for your job, or if you believe the open-door policy has put downward pressure on your salary, focus your displeasure on those who created those conditions in the first place." ~ Alex Au
~ By Little Fish