Wednesday, 15 August 2012

My Interview with a Singapore PR, Mr Troy Parry.

Today I bring you my brief interview with my Facebook friend, Mr. Troy Parry, an Australian who came to Singapore in January 2002. He is currently a Singapore PR, married to a Singaporean wife who gave birth to two lovely kids (both Singaporeans). They are living in a HDB flat in Tampines area where it is very quiet, far away from the shops and MRT.

He chooses to immigrate to Singapore back in 2002 because of our peaceful, safe and friendly living environment. He was also attracted to Singapore especially its lowest crime rate and tax as compared to Australia. He worked in an I.T field in Singapore for almost 10 years. He also got along very well with his boss & colleagues.

He mingles with people from all walks of life. People whom he met in person generally keep to themselves when they see him but they are friendly when he makes the first move to speak with them. What amazes him about some Singaporeans when he came across them on streets is that they seem to prefer to stand-by, watch/ film or take photos of a fight or accident than to help out. (Editor: we can pretty well guess they are probably STOMPers!)

For some Singaporeans whom he met online in cyberspace, most of them seem to be very critical of non-citizens, posting hurtful remarks and sometime racial comments on Facebook, forums and STOMP. But he rarely comes across verbal abuses or physical confrontation from locals or foreigners on the streets.

When asked for his opinion of Singapore internet, he replied that he is 100% for an online Code of Conduct to encourage civilise behaviour online. Currently people feel that their actions online don’t have consequences; therefore they can say anything and everything!

Troy Parry loves Singapore a lot. He thinks it’s going to get a lot more crowded than it already is. With the current over-crowding on public transport and in shopping centres, he only goes out when he really have to walk out of his house. He spends most of his free time at home. With the lack of employment laws in Singapore, there has been a lot of hiring of lower income earners from overseas, thus lowering the wages in Singapore. He is now currently unemployed, and the previous contract he had this year was lower than the wages he was earning 10 years ago when he first moved here. He is not getting shortlisted for the jobs that he is applying for locally, so he has been forced to apply for jobs back in Australia. He hopes to be employed here soon so he can stay in Singapore to be with his wife and 2 children.

When asked about his views on employment laws, he replied that he feels there is a need to implement minimum wages so the wages of people won’t be depressed by business owners & tighten the employment laws to control the influx. Singaporeans & PRs need to be in their first priority. Nobody likes to be squeezed out of their own country; we need to greatly reduce the number of non-residents, which currently stands at 1.4 million. Many people are forced to compete for jobs with workers from overseas.

If they're not willing to reduce their salaries, or work longer hours, they won't be able to have a job or keep one. Income gap widens as a result. Situations need to change in order for mindsets to change. There's too many people on this tiny island, unless that can change, mindsets will always be there. It makes people feel uncomfortable everywhere they go, so foreigners gets blamed for many reasons why everything happens.

On xenophobia: He mentioned that people need to direct their anger at the real cause of the problem, and try to get bad policies changed. Most of them don't know which people are responsible for these policies, or who to contact to share their views or solutions. Therefore they directed their anger to the wrong group of people.

If we do know, then xenophobia can be avoided, people could be pointed in the right direction. Venting their anger in groups like Temasek Review will get them nowhere, because that group is only serve to stir xenophobic tension within Singapore, and it is not gonna solve any problems for all of us.

As for those who stir up xenophobic sentiments purposely, the only thing we can do is try to rectify the situation with facts, logic and common sense. We must all stand together to set things right for a better Singapore. 


Dear readers, if you would like to Speak Up Against Xenophobia in Singapore to stop all the anti-foreigners nonsense that has been circulating on cyberspace, please visit & 'LIKE' my Facebook Page here:


Friday, 10 August 2012

Reviewing the online Code of Conduct

If you have been observing the internet, the list of online mischief created by trouble makers can go as long as a roll of toilet paper. I can list a few examples of them here below.

1) Kidnap hoax that went viral online (March 2012)

Video below

  •  Causing public panic & fears
  •  Wasting taxpayers money
  •  Real criminal cases delayed & more...

2) Creating fake Facebook accounts (Example below)
Fake SMRT Facebook:
Real SMRT Facebook:

Screenshot pictures below

Many people have been tricked by the FAKE SMRT Facebook Page where they all 'Like' and follow it then they get slammed by the owner who directed them to make complaints to SMRT and Minister Lui Tuck Yew. Imagine the stress caused to SMRT and Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew. Can you imagine the victims embarrassment when they realized it is a FAKE! 

3) Online Witch Hunts/ Lynch Mobs & CSI Team
Source 1: 
Source 2:

Screenshot Pictures Below

4) Anti-Foreigners Facebook/ Groups accounts (xenophobes)
Source 1:
Source 2:
Source 3:
The Facebook Group name: 

"香港和新加坡聯和反抗中國蝗虫" translated = Hong Kong and Singapore, the United and against the Chinese locust

Picture from TNP below


5) The recent online spread of hoax/rumor made against our former National Leader, MM Lee Kuan Yew. 

It is not the first time. Check it out here: 

View Picture Below (Rumor Source Unverified)

6) HSBC's Managing Director, Mr Sandeep Sharma sues Yahoo Singapore to unearth alleged imposter's identity

*** Updated on 15 August, 2012 by Little Fish @ 10:00am


Screenshot picture below by Fabrications About the PAP


Time to review for an online Code of Conduct?

MICA Minister urges netizens to develop netiquette
By Sharon See | Posted: 28 July 2012 2142 hrs  

Dr Yacoob said a code of conduct is meant to encourage civilised behaviour online.

See also:

"We believe as netizens, all of us should come together and develop a code of conduct or what we call netiquette that we can all agree upon. It is supposed to be a bottom up process."

If you want to take part in the 'Online Code of Conduct' poll, please click the link below

Note: You can choose two options, 'Yes, I Agree' or 'No, I Don't Disagree'

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Contributor: Let's Not Abuse The Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace!

Dear Little Fish,

Thank you very much for your appreciation with the humble contributions and your interest in sharing with your blog followers which is my privilege. I am afraid I do not have any pages where we can link up for your meaningful cause.

I believe it is every concern citizen's duty and rights to step forward and speak up against any matter which may deem harmful to the progress of our nation, in this case the dangers of being over xenophobic and the lack of understanding of how small pockets of perpetrators are motivated with suspicious agenda to disrupt and discord.

The matter of fact with the many recent resentments on Feng Tian Wei's triumph for Singapore in the London Olympics, in humble views, is anything but merely a patterned attempt by these perpetrators to hijack any possible opportunities available like they often do to discredit Singapore and our efforts to better integrate the society as a whole.

Such approaches, together with the perpetrators and its hosts, should be addressed and situation arrested and never be allowed to score a victory for their many attempts to disintegrate and cripple our society, one which has always been based on the pillars of ethnics harmony and racial tolerances.

While the society embraces the freedom of speech, having said that, the freedom of speech does not present one with the freedom to abuse.

It is empirical that efforts have been made to integrate the new inclusions of foreign workforce into the society through many community events and it is also evident that plans have been laid to maintain an acceptable level of population mix with relatively reasonable explanations presented on the reasons why any given society, especially with a small country like ours, must adopt and adapt to changes in order to stay among the forerunners of economic might. The unwillingness to accept such facts and hard truths have no rooms or reasons to entertain false belief systems or values of xenophobia, which may possibly spiral and result into a dangerous populous situation and environment within any given societies.

As we work towards a more vibrant net environment and encourage more social media engagements, such platforms are however relatively new in our social scene to say the least.

Efforts by our policy makers and office bearers have stated and delivered on the honest intentions to better engage the population in hope to build a more cohesive partnership between the governances and the very people eager to play a heavier role in shaping our only home and country. As such, it is critical to identify and arrest such abusers and internet behaviours so that we are able to, as a nation, progress and move forward.

It is paramount to heighten and enhance the efforts to better share and educate the general public on the various facts so that these perpetrators will not have the opportunity to mislead the general public further.

While everyone is entitled to their subjective opinions and belief systems, the rightful approach is to keep the social media patrons better aware and cautious of such activities and encourage one to find out and learn more from available credible sources so that one can own a better understanding and make better decisions for themselves.

It is unavoidable for various social media sites to ride on issues of such, whether ethically or not, to fetch the readership and responses of the public. However, with the intellectual progresses our country has witnessed, it is my comfort and belief that the public can, will and have the ability to assess and differentiate between the rights and wrongs.

While the public are better informed through efforts such as your blog and others, the general public can also play a small role in exposing such behaviours and social media abusers and insist on saying no to these perpetrators and their hosts.

The general public ought to better understand why and realise that it is precisely the lack of confidence, sense of inferiority or insecurity and the desperate need to deceive and falsify public opinions as the perpetrators had to obtain falsified support for the many weak reasoning and arguments. The very behaviours of these abusers speak volume for itself.

It is both saddening yet frightening that such perpetrators have chosen fabricating in the name of loving this country with resistance and continue to exploit the value of social media engagements.

Such behaviours and intentional deceiving attempts, if not addressed, could potentially hand our society a huge blow for progress, integration and preservation of the very fundamental values we and our forefathers have fought so hard for and earned, which made our country what and who we are today.

Article contributed  by Say No To Clones.

Little Fish note:

Dear readers
, if you would like to Speak Up Against Xenophobia in Singapore to stop all the anti-foreigners nonsense that has been circulating on cyberspace, please visit & 'LIKE' my Facebook Page here:

Monday, 6 August 2012

Caution Against Traps Set Up in Attempt to Divide Society

Dear Say No To Clones

Thank you very much for your contribution to my blog. I found this very insightful & would like to share this on my blog to readers. Can you please contact me in my Facebook Page so I can be connected to you? Many thanks - Little Fish.

This article below first appeared in my comment section under "Cyber bullying: Buy Simi Medal? Import Simi Success?"

By Say No To Clones:

Xenophobia – “An unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange”

By definition, that is what “xenophobia” means. The recent news about forum trolling and unreliable public opinions at forums by faked communities in the internet and social media raised another question on the validity and seriousness of xenophobia in Singapore.

No doubt Singaporeans are getting more vocal with the increasingly frustrations recently on some national issues such as transportation or housing, Singaporeans are still generally a peace loving society.

It is a reader’s basic understanding that many from the general public voiced against their unhappiness over and about foreigners in Singapore through the various internet social media platforms especially news discussion forums. However, given the above understanding also that such trolling and falsified opinions are deliberate mere acts by a couple of mischief perpetrators with some unknown suspicious agenda, one has to realize and rethink about the possibility that the perceived situation may not be as tricky as one thought to be.

However, what is more pressing and frightening are the motives and acts of these people behind these faked public opinions which possibly stirred up these anti-foreign sentiments deliberately, attempting to trick the general public at large that such a sentiment exist, and hope to ride along with the psychological condition of creating a situation and fear or doubts out of nothing from a non – existent situation to begin with – Making a situation real from a falsified belief that the situation existed which is untrue in the first place, or not as serious as it is.

This act of attempting to manipulate and abuse the trust of social media and its users by these perpetrators surpass the xenophobic feel, which after all is understandable from a human perspective where humans are often believed to be more comfortable with no changes or prefer not so over drastic differences with our level of comfort zones in life.

While we are certain racism has no place in any society especially ours, we must also look at the entire situation from a wider perspective and understand the many impacts it will have on our society. Saying no to xenophobia is simply saying no to the potential human sentiments which may be exploited over by the perpetrators’ manipulative whom we gave our trusts to. Xenophobia is not against ANYONE who understandably feels insecure over foreign inclusions at a given stage, but through education and understanding, it is possible to understand what we have read and learnt better.

Eradicating Xenophobic sentiments without displacing the very sources which sparked such sentiments, in this case those attempting to falsify public opinions with the intention to disrupt and sow discord within the society for any personal or political agenda, will only see a cause worth pursuing for the sake of our coming generations rendered fruitless at the end of the day.

It is important not to fall under the very traps such perpetrators set up in attempt to divide the society. Voices and rebuttals against those who voiced anti-sentiments or over xenophobic will only bring about more clones to attempt to mislead the public and tip the scale in a false light. Reporting anyone who suggest racism or attempts to fake public opinions will or those trying to stir a huge unnecessary public debate deliberately with obvious intent, on the other hand contain and control the situation and send a message out to the rest that social stability and harmony are something we will defend for it will shape the very fabric of our society for ourselves and future generations.

Little Fish note:

Dear readers
, if you would like to Speak Up Against Xenophobia in Singapore to stop all the anti-foreigners nonsense that has been circulating on cyberspace, please visit & 'LIKE' my Facebook Page here:

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Cyber Bullying: Buy Simi Medal? Import Simi Success?

The word 'Simi' in Hokkien means 'What' in English language. Enough is enough. Like many of you with conscience, we see red when we see cyber bullying online especially those xenophobic sentiments against our China-born Singapore Citizen national paddlers. Ever since Feng Tianwei's bronze medal win at the London Olympics, some people has gone too far with some creating a fake photo [shown far below] to stir hate while some would go to the extend of spreading rumor that Singapore 'Buy Medal' or some lousy blog saying that we choose 'Imported Success' over 'Home grown'. Some polls are even conducted against Feng Tianwei with some tricky questions to direct poll-takers to their stand. Oh please, if you cannot say anything nice or know anything about sport, might as well do us the favor and keep your mouth sealed & fingers crossed away from the keyboard! Or admit it if you are just finding fault with somebody because he/ she is a foreigner by birth.

What is your definition of 'Buy Medal'? If Singapore can buy medals so easily, we would have a truckloads of medals from London Olympics already since most of you have been echoing that our million dollar ministers are so rich. Do we need to wait 52 years?

Our London Olympic 2012 Bronze medal is not bought, instead it is 'EARNED' by Feng Tianwei. Feng left China in 2005 to play in the Japanese professional league. She was talent spotted by Liu Guodong, then a coach with the Singapore Table Tennis Association, in 2006. In March 2007 she was invited to train in Singapore under the Foreign Sports Talent Scheme. She became a Singapore citizen in January 2008. That period her world ranking level is 73rd at the age of 22. STTA groomed & trained her well the past few years & now she won the bronze medal for us, ending the 52 years Olympic jinx wait. Her ranking is now at 8th at age of 26 yrs old. Hope some people can do some serious research. I have provided two links below.

Sources: Wikipedia and ITTF World Ranking (click Women)

For the controversy on 'import talent' & 'home grown' talent, one netizen who read from some NOT-Up-To-Date blog online has asked Ms. Lee Bee Wah, MP and President of STTA. She has replied below:-

"Lee Bee Wah to Jason Lee: Certainly we have not given up.....otherwise, why did we start the PCF table tennis program in 2009 for 6-year old kids? Why did STTA fought so hard for Isabelle and Xuejie to represent Singapore in SEA Games? Why did STTA introduce Crocodile Challenge Cup just for Singaporeans?"

Source: Here (Lee Bee Wah FB Page) and Here (Yahoo news, Nov 17, 2011 title: Results Speaks For Themselves: Lee Bee Wah)

Extracted from Yahoo: "Speaking to reporters in Jakarta after a five gold, four silver medal sweep in the SEA Games table tennis competition on Wednesday night, a triumphant STTA president Lee Bee Wah was unable to hide her delight at the success of the Singapore paddlers, in particular highlighting young homegrown players Isabelle Li and Pang Xue Jie, whom she fought hard to keep in her initial SEA Games lineup."

Now view the photos below & see if you can accept these kind of behavior online.

(Photo below courtesy of EDMW loves Singapore: This photo has been floating around on the internet. We can confirm that it is a Photoshopped job. Just took at the edges of the two highlighted boxes which indicate the players' nationality. Whoever Photoshopped this is bent on stirring anger and from untruths and trying not hard enough)

(Photo below showing the 'tricky' online polls questions)

Comments from readers about these polls above:

Sg Watcher: "The question is already suggestive and wrong in the first place - highlighting the place of birth rather than the country the sportswoman represent belies the intent. What is there to answer?"

Troy Parry: "This is like going to a Christian church and asking "which religion do you believe in" (obviously most or all will say Christian). Of course all the haters are going to say Poland, because TR is all about hatred :)"

Leonie Tan: "must have been the Polish people voting on TR :)"  

Andre Tan: "Good ole fashioned fear driven sentiments, fanned by a warped political agenda methinks. Democratic process consuming itself with free speech ... like watching a snake try to eat its own tail ..."

To put to the end of my blog, I would like to highlight the latest article from SPH Mr Terrence Voon, Sports Correspondent In London. Read the part on Ms. Feng Tianwei, imagine the process she has to go through. This article will put those who did cyber bullying on her to shame!

The grit and grind behind that bronze:- Perfectionist Feng Tianwei is driven by a crushing work ethic (Aug 05, 2012).

By Terrence Voon Sports Correspondent In London

In table tennis, they call her a woman who plays like a man.

In private, Feng Tianwei is a girl, a child-like soul who loves pop music, fast cars, make-up and an extra helping of chocolate and chilli crab. She is also a perfectionist, a workaholic with a bat, an athlete powered by tragedy, rejection and the fear of failure.

Before her Olympic bronze- medal match against Japan's Kasumi Ishikawa last Wednesday, she asked her coaches: "What happens if I lose? Will my country blame me?"

Loy Soo Han, Singapore's table tennis technical chief, told her to perish the thought.

"Tianwei has the weight of the world on her shoulders," he said. "It's our job to keep her focused and calm."

It was hard to tell, from the way she demolished Ishikawa and Singapore's 52-year individual Olympic medal jinx, that Feng was jittery. Her fragile state of mind was such that officials and teammates took care not to talk about the medal drought, or the fact that Singapore's last three Olympic bronze medal play-offs had ended in disappointment.

To understand how Feng thinks, one needs to understand where she came from.

Home was Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province in north-east China. Known for its long, icy winters, this was where Feng, 25, learnt her trade as a young girl, sparring daily against bigger and stronger boys in a gym minutes away from home. This was also where she first honed her looping forehand smash, a powerful killing stroke that has been described as "masculine" by those who have coached her.

"Her technique is very advanced... comparable to the top players from China," said Loy.

The irony is that she was never quite good enough - for China.

In 2003, a year after winning China's national youth title, she was called up for the national squad. Two years of brutal training followed, during which Feng was constantly overlooked for major competitions because she was deemed to be mentally weak.

She knew her chances of breaking into the Chinese 'A' team were slim, and left for Japan in 2005 to make a living in their professional league.

By this point, she had already lost her father.

Mr Feng Qingzhi, a granary worker, died of multiple sclerosis in 2002, weeks before his only child was due to try out for the Chinese national team. Feng aced the try-outs. But it took years to cope with her father's death.

Mr Feng, along with his wife Liu Chunping, a department store worker, had saved and struggled for years to pay for their child's table tennis lessons.

Feng said in a 2010 interview: "I feel when I get the results, he will be able to feel it from where he is, because he's done so much for me."

Another life-changing moment came in 2006, when Singapore officials - then-national head coach Liu Guodong and former table tennis chief Choo Wee Khiang - saw her in action in Japan. Impressed by her skill and potential, they made her an offer: Come to Singapore, where we will train you, house you and give you a chance to play at the Olympics.

Feng agreed, and was given citizenship a year later - just in time to qualify for the 2008 Olympics, alongside Li Jiawei and Wang Yuegu.

At the Beijing Games, her performances led the team to a silver, the Republic's first medal since 1960.

Feng built on that success, rising to No. 2 in the world standings in 2010, the year she led Singapore to a sensational World Team Championships triumph over China.

She was at the peak of her powers, but it came at a cost.

Of the 12 months in a year, 10 were spent outside of Singapore competing. There was even less time to visit her mother in Harbin, or to indulge herself.

"She's no different from other women," said deputy women's head coach Jing Junhong, who described her charge as "guileless" and "adorable".

"She wants to be pretty, she wants to wear make-up, she wants to relax. She's a child-like woman who loves to laugh and have fun. But because of her schedule, she has no time to do all these things."

Listening to Mandarin pop songs is Feng's escape from the stress of competition, and watching Formula One races on television is her idea of relaxing.

By all accounts, Feng - who guards her personal life fiercely - is single. Her crushing work ethic might have something to do this.

"She's always the last to leave the training hall," said Loy. "Even at night, when she is supposed to rest, she will sometimes find a sparring partner just so she can train more."

No one is harder on Feng than herself. In her mind, she is still flawed. She turns 26 this month, and she knows her place on the top rungs of world table tennis will slip with age.

"She seeks perfection in everything that she does," said Jing - Feng's maternal figure in the Singapore team. Better than anyone else, she knows how the paddler must feel. It was Jing who missed out on a bronze 12 years ago at the Sydney Games. And it is she who keeps reminding Feng - who endured a bad run of results before the Olympics - to take it easy even when she is not playing well.

"It's good to be a perfectionist in some situations, but she has to understand that no player can be perfect during a match," said Jing. "She has to learn to succeed even when conditions are imperfect."

After winning the bronze last Wednesday, Feng spent 45 minutes outside the arena posing for photographs with fans, VIPs and even a lone British soldier who was smitten by her performance.

"I want to win another medal for Singapore in the team event," she said then. "That's why I need to train even harder now."

In Feng's world, her work is never done.
Little Fish note:

Dear readers
, if you would like to Speak Up Against Xenophobia in Singapore to stop all the anti-foreigners nonsense that has been circulating on cyberspace, please visit & 'LIKE' my Facebook Page here:

Stay tuned to ANOTHER BLOG COMING UP SOON.. on my Facebook Page! 

Friday, 3 August 2012

Massive Outcry in Cyberspace as Tema-Sick Review Draws Flak from Public!

Since The Tema-sickening Review likes to paint up such a sensational headline to stir xenophobic sentiments in the cyberspace, I figured I would 'model' myself on them by having such a 'sensational' headline for them too. What do you guys/ ladies think of this headline, "Massive Outcry in Cyberspace as Tema-Sick Review Draws Flak from Public!" Feel free to give me some 'High Fives' but my name is definitely not Mr. Tan Kin Lian!

The screenshot above is a failed attempt to stir xenophobic sentiments as their gif animator image displayed only one side of the story again!

Please give your applauds to this brave lady below who spoke up the truth in defense of Ms. Feng Tianwei.
Below is what I found at The Tema-sickening Review's wall comment.

"Jia Hui Teo: sorry all but I was there yesterday at the arena. from the looks of it, she was aiming it at the singapore crowd who is unfortunately not in the shot. and even if it did end up in the hands of the PRC crowd, its not surprising because 80% present were PRCs. it would be hard to miss them. and the majority of team SG supporters were all the way on the other side of the arena which was miles away from the podium and because she had to go for her drug test (like all others) straight after, she couldn't have came all the way to throw it at us. let's give her the benefit of the doubt that in her excitment, she threw it into the crowds without much thought who it would have gone to.
and I'm sorry but to those who feels that Singapore doesn't deserve to be happy because she was Chinese-born, you really should have been there. She was representing OUR NATION and if you can't appreciate it then I suppose I'm glad those of us present did.
5 hours ago · · 16"

Below is the original screenshot in case The Tema-sick Review decided to delete it.

Now what is next? After their failed attempt, they decided another attempt shoot...

There is even a poll conducted by one of the anti-Singaporean or xenophobic? His action is getting us all confused, a Singaporean Citizen against a PRC Singaporean Citizen?


Credits to the owner of Fabrications About the PAP who tag me in the Facebook.

Do anyone of you recall that Mr Tan Howe Liang won a Silver medal for Singapore in 1960 Summer Olympic Games in Rome? The best has yet to come...

Now the best part...., PLEASE OPEN EYES WIDE!

Mr Ravi Philemon has highlighted "China's gift to the world - Women table-tennis players"
Please click the link [here] to see the photo
It means Singapore is not the only COUNTRY! Wanna compare apples and oranges? Think again...

Do we still need to say more?

~By Little Fish