Saturday, 24 November 2012

Model Ms.Belinda Teo the latest victim of online pranksters

Internet without the code of conduct... one can wonder how safe & accurate information are being circulated online to protect Singapore citizens from the likes of cyber terrorists out to victimize people on cyberspace? Not long ago, two websites apologized to Dr Ng Eng Hen for defamatory article about him, and now there is another latest one on local model Ms. Belinda Teo. She has made a police report (shown far below)

Two websites apologize to Dr Ng Eng Hen:-
1) Heng Cheong Leong -
2) The Real Singapore -

More article from Singapolitics - 

However The Real Singapore is now challenging Dr Ng's lawyer, Mr Davinder Singh to sue the internet since their first apology wasn't accepted. It was indeed an insincere apology as many of you can tell. See [here]

TRS: **Latest Update** We will not be issuing a 2nd apology to Dr Ng Eng Hen despite being threatened repeatedly by his lawyer Mr Davinder Singh who is also the CEO of Drew and Napier.

The Real Singapore who is known for their 'Lies, Cheat & Steal' has a history of victimizing people, one example is shown here:-

You guys decide how credible is The Real Singapore? Is this the 'Voice of Singaporeans' you want to subscribe to their Bull-Shit?

Now on Ms. Belinda Teo. It seems some pranksters has taken her photos off somewhere and published on social escort sites. Hardware Zone Forum obtained them and generated discussions. Next the socio-political site like Temasek Review as usual behaves like their 'regular news customer' went to obtain them and publish on their facebook without verifying whether the source is authentic. You can imagine how many such 'news' and 'information' from Temasek Review is credible? Even when somebody comes forward to clarify, they do not take them down nor apologize.

Below published with permission from Ms. Belinda Teo:-

I am Belinda Teo and I affirm my particulars to be true and correct.

Sometime eariler this week, a friend told me that my photos were displayed in a Social Escort website

I was very distress abt it. In that same website, i saw some other girls photo too. i think some of them are in my FB friends list too. There is a hp number provided there 989822
I tried calling many times but seems that the number is not in used. I got no idea where or how to ask them to remove my photos.

Later the same day, Hardwarezone forum picked up on the site and started commenting. Many said very sacarastic remarks abt me. And also about my recent apperance in a Mediacorp CH8 TV program. This is the Link.

And then it went viral. And many websites/forum started to talk abt me. And suddenly, another website "Face Entertainment" also uploaded my photos. And without even blurring the face and all.
This is Face Entertainment address

Another website also claimed that i am 29yrs old and i have kids. This is the site.

Even Temasek Review also posted. This is the site

I am NOT working as a Social Escort and have never worked as one. I believe all the photos are taken off my Facebook account, I have not given any permission to any site to use my photos. My Photographer Roy Chuang holds the copyright of the photos.
He did not give any permission to use the photos on those escort sites at all.

I am very upset, insulted and hurt.
This is Slander!!!

"Broadcast statements
3. For the purpose of the law of libel and slander, the broadcasting of words by means of telecommunication shall be treated as publication in a permanent form.

Slander of women
4. Words spoken and published which impute unchastity or adultery to any woman or girl shall not require special damage to render them actionable.

Slander affecting official, professional or business reputation
5. In an action for slander in respect of words calculated to disparage the plaintiff in any office, profession, calling, trade or business held or carried on by him at the time of the publication, it shall not be necessary to allege or prove special damage whether or not the words are spoken of the plaintiff in the way of his office, profession, calling, trade or business.;page=0;query=CompId%3A75f4a1fe-ebe7-4426-b223-5a371b9957f5;rec=0#pr5-he-"

And some of the worst were from some people commenting in the Hardwarezone Forum. Here they are.

1) One member username (SEASLUGFLY) commented that he ever paid for my sexual services last week. He commented that i even have "BIG Knockers"... I am a proud A cup busts. Attached are the Screensave of the post.

2) Another member(Ejaculator) commented that i am a slut whore and should be left in a construction site for workers to cum and pee on. and "Morale of story? Want do such open leg shady business this stupid slut whore should have learnt to STFU Shut The Fark Up and keep a low profile at most is on the street ex-customers who farked her can recognize her thats all. Now all the evidences are out and the whole singapore knows she is nothing but a prostitute."

3) Another member (SAF Regular) commented "What a cheap whore. Cheesepie kena screwed how many times alr"

4) A guy (Alan Koh) in Facebook, went around to Facebook Ch8 page & Wan bao page to flood news of the escorts thingy. After that when my good friend/photographer Roy Chuang commented that his is a fake account with only 3 friends, he changed his profile photo and name as RoyChuang. And started to comment lots of stuffs and even PM models using Roy's name.
A police report was lodge on that. Report number E/20121122/91. This is his Facebook address

All these u believe consitude to this offence. I am vert offended by what they say.

Sec 509 Cap 224. Word or gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman
Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.

HardwareZone is a local magazine, supposed to be doing reviews abt the latest products. However, in recent years, HWZ forums have became a Gossip forum, against many models, and also on sexual talks. I do not know why HWZ allows this trend to continue. This is Cyber bullying.

I hope the Authorities would step in, to oversee forums such as HWZ, Temasek Review etc.

These keyboard warriors, hide behind fake names and avatars, and slander females such as myself. There have been many victims. They cant just based on a unverified reports or cos of photos appearing in a certain websites and start to condamn and hurt. To the extend its already outrage of my molesty.
I believe that all these ppl, can be tracked using their IP address.

I lodge this report for Police action and legal actions.

A copy of this report will be forwarded to THE PRIME MINISTER OFFICE.